MKII hardware is tightly integrated with PAK software and forms a formidable hardware & software partnership. The resulting system environment combines highly modular, multi-channel data acquisition hardware with high performance analysis, graphical processing and integrated data management software. Advance signal conditioning supported by powerful digital circuitry and data handling capabilities achieves high speed data acquisition with highest analog and digital signal quality, translating in to a high dynamic range with low noise performance and distribution.
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IZ9zlTjbeU
The PAK MKII is typically light-weight, low power consuming, robust, flexible, and upgradable – can be used in the laboratory, at the test bench or for other applications on site. Choose between mainframes with 2, 3, 4, 6 and 10 slots that include more than 100 measuring channels per frontend. Modular technology enables versatility of system which allows you to measure various parameters.]
For more details please visit : https://www.mbbm-vas.com/en/products/data-acquisition