Motion Sensors

Motion Sensors

Inertial Sensors, Gyros, Digital Accelerometers

MTi is a miniature, gyro-enhanced Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS). Its internal low power signal processor provides drift-free 3D orientation as well as calibrated 3D acceleration, 3D rate of turn (rate gyro) and 3D earth-magnetic field data.
MTi-G, on the other hand, is the enhanced MTi with integrated GPS and static pressure sensor. These are excellent measurement units for stabilization and control of cameras, robots, vehicles and other equipment.
The standard version has a full scale acceleration of 5g; full scales of 1.7g and18g are available as well. 3 axis ± 300 0/S rate of turn, 3 axis ±750 mGauss magnetic field, 30-120 kPa static pressure.


  • accurate full 360 degrees 3D orientation output (Attitude and Heading).
  • highly dynamic response combined with long-term stability (no drift).
  • 3D acceleration, 3D rate of turn and 3D earth-magnetic field data.
  • all solid state miniature MEMS inertial sensors inside.
  • compact design.
  • high update rate.
  • various digital output modes.
  • accepts or generates synchronization pulses.
  • temperature, 3D misalignment and sensor cross-sensitivity compensated.

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